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 Hormo Fem Malteada 


Aunmento de Gluteos & Busto 


  • Aumenta medidas y reafirma en Busto, Glúteos, y Caderas de forma 100% Natural
  • Disminuye la caída del cabello
  • Reafirma la piel
  • Ayuda a optener óptimos los niveles de energia
  • Facilita tener un peso estable y un ciclo mestrual regular.


Heno griego, Colageno, Fenogeco, Acido Hialuronico, Vitamina A, C & B-9


Cont. 250 Grms

4 Sabores differentes a escoger: Frutos Rojos, Vainilla, Fresa & Cafe.



Milkshake Fem Hormo


Buttocks & Bust Augmentation


  • Increases measurements and reaffirms the Bust, Glutes, and Hips in a 100% Natural way
  • Reduces hair loss
  • firms the skin
  • Helps to optimize energy levels
  • It facilitates having a stable weight and a regular menstrual cycle.


Greek Hay, Collagen, Fenogeco, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin A, C & B-9


Cont. 250 Grms

4 different flavors to choose from: Red Fruits, Vanilla, Strawberry & Coffee.


Hormo Fem Malteada para Aumentar Gluteos (Frutos Rojos, Vainilla, Fresa & Cafe)

Sabor / Flavor

    C&A Naturistics

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